growth takes time

orgasm queen
1 min readDec 9, 2020

Just here to say that sometimes you stay with a boy who cheated on you and lied about it for a couple years because you wanted to go on a lot of adventures that were already planned, and your whole family loved him and you loved him, and maybe you could forgive him, and maybe he was the one even if you knew he wasn’t, and maybe you just needed to figure out your worth, and what you deserve and that is ok because sometimes it takes a while to figure out where your head and heart are and you have to learn how to love yourself and that shit takes time.

I’m also here to say that you don’t have to preserve your friendship with said boy because said boy cheated and lied and really fucked with your emotional and mental and physical state of being and then you were left to pick up his pieces and his heart and you were the one who was supposed to be fine and the emotional support beam to the entire house that was your relationship. So get that motherfucker out of your life and move the fuck on. Don’t bring that toxicity into 2021 babaay.

This post feels suspiciously tailored to what I need to hear.

